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Don Frank - Core Club Room Volunteer


Hi, I’m Don Frank, a retired Chemical (and Electrical) Engineer with Shell, where I worked for 32 years as process control and optimization specialist. My favorite activity is reading and studying Scripture, and talking about it with people. I also generate Bible studies. I enjoy communicating with kids and seeing what’s on their minds and how they think. I’m excited about the Tricord club because it gives kids an opportunity to learn and grow and have fun in a leisurely social environment. I also enjoy meeting their

parents and getting to know them.

I’m married to Sherry Richmond-Frank, the founder of Tricord Club, and have a great daughter Jesse, who is now in her 30s and using her talents working for the Federal Government in Washington D.C. Jesse was born with spina bifida so Sherry and I have a lot of experience with the types of things that come up. But mostly Jesse is Jesse and we are very proud of her tenacity and perseverance, and the way she has grown in so many ways.

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