"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

If you are looking for a great club watch for our sign on the oak tree at Parkway Presbyterian Preschool!
At our March 13, 2021 meeting Sherry and Chloe posted the club rules that the members developed last March.

We studied the flood and Noah and the Ark from the book of Genesis.

The children made a torn paper rainbow as a reminder of God's promises.

A reporter and 2 photographers took photos and interviewed us for a feature article about the club to appear in The Times Picayunne/New Orleans Advocate newspaper March 24, 2021 issue!

We looked at Christmas ornaments of the ark and a photo of a life size replica of the ark that is in Kentucky.

This month for our service project we made woven dog toys for the club members to share with their dog friends.

Our Speaker, Janet Long, of Bayou Pets brought several mysterious crates with animals. She told the children about her career as a pet store owner. In addition to giving club members time to explore the rabbits, tortoises, guineau pigs, and snake she described caring for these pets. We learned about their diets, natural habitats, and lifespans.