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We finished our first Volume of the Gospel Project, and the book of Genesis, in "The Story Begins" at our July 17, 2021 meeting.


Today we began Exodus 1-4 and Volume two of the Gospel Project. We discovered that Moses was born during a very dangerous time for Israelite's male infants and their families. A new Pharaoh who did not know Joseph made the Israelites work very hard and ordered that the nurses kill the baby boys and throw them into the Nile River. When Moses was born his mother put him in a basket and set it at the edge of the Nile River. When the princess of Egypt went to the river to bathe she found him and made him her son. God delivered Moses, but the Israelites still had to work very hard after a new king came to power. The people cried out to God for help.


God heard their cries and spoke to Moses from a burning bush. He saved Moses so he could lead his people out of Egypt. God later sent his son Jesus to save us from sin.


Abby Bryant, sent us a video describing her adoption from a a foreign orphanage when she was seven years old. She showed us photos of her family. She also shared photos from when she went to her birth country and met her biological mother. She was very glad her parents adopted her and her sister. They became members of a close loving family who guided them and provided for their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. She noted that God cares for us and adopts us into his spiritual family. 


Scott Harney visited our club and described his adoption experience. When he and his wife were waiting to adopt they made an book with pictures and descriptions them to share with their son's biological mother, who was looking for a home for her son. It was exciting when she chose them! Scott shared photos from this book as well as photos of their son and family throughout the years. He and his wife became parents by adopting their son as a newborn baby and making him an integral part of their nuclear and extended family. 

Our service project for this meeting was to make encouraging notes as comfort items to be included in Geaux Bags for foster children. Our friends and relatives also wrote notes, postcards, and colored pictures for this effort. Their website is




We are having a FOOD DRIVE for Second Harvest Food Bank until September 9th. Club members and their families are collecting food and money to help our community with hunger.


We have collection boxes at Anytime Fitness at 1955 Ormond Boulevard in Destrehan, Silver Shears Beauty Salon at 3901 Williams Boulevard in Kenner, Parkway Presbyterian Church at 6200 Camphor Street in Metairie, St. Charles Parish East Regional Library at 160 West Campus Drive in Destrehan, Toni and Company Hair Salon at 110 Ormond Center Ct u, Destrehan, and at the River Road Market at 13572 River Rd, Destrehan. Please call each place first to make sure someone is there to take the food. We appreciate your help with this project.


We displayed the food collected  so far for our food drive and discussed the money collected on our wish list. Thus far we have received: $213.75 which will provide 852 meals. You may still donate cash online at




During the free play time the club members seemed really pleased to be back together, it was a longer time between meetings than usual. They worked together to decorate a house, serve an imaginary meal, and build a high chair for a doll.



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