"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

On February 27, 2021 we had our largest meeting so far, with 6 clubmembers! We have room for 4 more members. During the Bible study we learned about the brothers Cain and Abel in the book of Genesis. Cain made a very poor choice.
Since Cain worked the ground as a farmer we watched a couple of time lapse videos of the beauty and wonder of plants growing from seeds. The club members also looked at seed cards to determine what plants the seeds would produce.

Clubmembers made Charlie Goodtime Mistake Buster Rules to hang up at home. We discussed helpful actions to take after making mistakes and where they could hang their Mistake Buster Rules to remind them of ways to make amends to others.

One thoughtful member of the club gave each of of the Core Club Room Volunteers a new decorative pencil and a friendly smile.

Each child is able to take home the treasures that are made in the club room.

Today was the first meeting that Core Clubroom Volunteer Ryan Saucier worked with us. He did an experiment with baking soda and vinegar to show how our emotional reactions and choices can bubble over and impact our friends and family members
Clubmembers made individualized coupon books containing acts of kindness they thought of themselves to give to their friends and family members.

Our guest speaker for today, Dr. Marvin Clifford, a psychiatrist with Oschner Health Systems, talked with the children about his career of counseling children and families. He had a dialogue with the children exploring helpful communication and productive ways to deal with anger and sibling jealousy. He also incorporated ideas from Charlie Goodtime's Mistake Buster into his talk with them.